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Ghoulish Delight – Vampire Edition

There is a lovely little knitting book, that has been out for some time. Vampire Knits. It was crafted to create a sense of community for those that love dark lore, creatures that go bump in the night, and look fabulous doing it! It has some fun yet very wearable knits that anyone, Team Edward or not, would love to knit.

Today a blog post came out doing a little Q&A with designer Cirilia Rose. I loved her answer so much I re-posted, but you can of course go check out the full article.

Who’s your favorite vampire, or what’s your favorite vampire story?”

“I’d have to go with Spike from Buffy the Vampire Slayer. He is such an interesting character in general, but the complicated relationship he has with Buffy is wonderful to watch. He’s so steadfast and deeply romantic underneath a prickly exterior. Watching his trajectory throughout the series is so absorbing (I get a LOT of knitting done watching Spike!). And I guess I’m a sucker for a sardonic vampire with a sense of style.

I have felt the same way and love how she put this into words. Yes most Vamps have that mysterious sexy (the non sparkle emo ones) and evil dick qualities we love to hate or adore to love. Spike had the complexity (as did most of Whedon’s Vamps) that we saw in earlier films, literature and comic sagas.I feel the same about Erik from True Blood.

I remember the first time I landed a copy of Interview with a Vampire. We were driving from Virginia to Tuscon, the big family move. We stopped by a road side stand somewhere between Pensacola and New Orleans. For many years I was convinced it was right outside the city, but I was ten there is no real way to retrace that moment in time. I needed books for the laborious car ride we still had ahead of us and some to have when we settled. We had no home or neighborhood to move into yet. My father wanted to scout before buying. We were going to live in an executive suite and I had no library. Ann Rice to the rescue.

Already in love with creature features, Film Noir, Hitchcock, and Sci-Fi, Vampires entered my world easily and without question. Not all blood suckers are created equal, but every once in a while you get something tasty to sink your fangs into!